Wild Poems2023-02-22T11:23:52-06:00

Wild Poems

It’s Time

It’s time.
Time to return to the peace of a true night sky,
where stars smile down with cold, yet welcoming, eyes.
Time to go where sounds matter, where distant sight informs.
Where my senses can safely and surely expand
beyond my carefully constructed civilian walls.

Too long among human dwellings,
I shrink from the constant barrage.
The […]

By |September 26, 2023|Categories: Wild Poems|

There is more to this world

By all that you deem holy
find something blooming
on this early September day.

Hunt, if you have to, for blooms of purple
or the lavender of dawn.
Seek out bursts of sun gold
or soft yellow, glowing in daylight.

Whatever you find,
greet these fine beauties
with the respect and reverence they deserve.

Get down low,
head on the ground […]

By |September 6, 2023|Categories: Wild Poems|

Small Wonders

Small wonders happen every day–
the kind we assume,
like waking from sleep
or the sun rising and setting,
and the kind that surprise us,
like the unexpected phone call
or the shock of color in the garden
on a summer morning.

Small enough to go unnoticed
bright enough to feel abundant.

I’m not so sure there […]

By |July 12, 2023|Categories: Wild Poems|


We watched a hummingbird buzz around, then land on her nest.
A nest so small there is zero chance we would have seen it otherwise.
A tiny cup of lichen and probably dog hair woven together by spider webs,
soft and expandable to accommodate growing chicks.
A miracle, plain and simple.
And that’s before they […]

By |June 21, 2023|Categories: Wild Poems|

The Pause

There’s a moment in spring
where everything seems to pause, just briefly.

It’s as if the season takes one big inhale
and then spring thunders in
with its special shades of green
and bright colors dotting the dull brown landscape.

We two-leggeds feel this in our bones
breathing with spring
brimming with anticipation.
Ready to emerge from winter’s grip
we […]

By |May 8, 2023|Categories: Wild Poems|

Spring Sun, Spring Storms

Snow has given way to spring.
Only patches of ice remain
where sun rarely touches
or where snow was piled high.

Daylight lingers.
Mud reigns.

Ducks and birds return from their winter get aways
as early spring skies fill with their wings and their songs.

Spring is a boisterous jovial time, after the hush of winter.

It is not […]

By |April 13, 2023|Categories: Wild Poems|
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