Nothing is Wasted

There is a different, far more compassionate way to look at these feelings. It's almost impossible to see once you are off and running, but if you can pause as this bubbles up, there's a good chance you can re-direct this train of thought. Because even feelings of discomfort or misalignment are useful. If you are living a Wild purposeful life, it really does matter that you feel lined up, at least in some aspects of your life. Here's the thing that can bring me back from the freefall of catastrophizing or questioning everything... Nothing is wasted.

By |2019-05-25T14:00:53-05:00May 25, 2019|Work Wild|

The Myth of Arrival

Our culture perpetuates the myth of Arrival. Like if we really pulled it all together, we could be that polished, calm, energetic, accomplished individual that we see reflected in the stereotypes of our imagination. Personally or professionally, this deception of arrival is insidious and dangerous. It lures us into believing that it's possible to be complete, inside or out. That if we just worked a little longer, dug a little deeper, ate the right foods, or tried harder, somehow, we would cross a threshold into a land of competent and peaceful completion.

By |2019-05-10T14:45:37-05:00May 10, 2019|Live Wild, Work Wild|

Beyond the Golden Rule

Communication, however, is decidedly NOT one size fits all. Not even one size fits the same person the same way every time. To move from being Present, which would look something like the above scenario, to being Wildly Present (the practice of giving your undivided attention) asks us to pause, to be curious about the person in front of you and what they may need in this moment, knowing it could be very different than what you might need or welcome.

By |2019-01-31T09:00:03-06:00January 31, 2019|Work Wild|

Wild Meetings

How to Start a Wild Meeting

Try this.

At the start of your next meeting, ask everyone to settle in for a moment. To take some deep breaths, maybe close their eyes, and think of a time when they were really present. Doing something that was engrossing enough that it had their full attention. Where time slipped […]

By |2019-01-01T15:22:03-06:00January 1, 2019|Work Wild|

Ready, Set, Stop

Ready, Set, Stop

Here’s the thing…

No matter what kind of multi-tasking work super hero that you may be, no one can be productive for hours in a row.

In fact, most studies agree that we hit our stride, then tap out after about 50 minutes of work. This is decidedly different than how most work days […]

By |2018-12-19T10:15:30-06:00December 19, 2018|Work Wild|

On Being Wildly Welcoming in the Workplace

When we are Wildly Welcoming, we often find support and connection in the most unlikely of places.
Team Wild member Ashley recently found this little stray dog, Charlie, in her yard and he quickly has become buddies with her Dalmatian, Sebastian.

On Being Wildly Welcoming in the Workplace

Sometimes when I’m speaking at a conference, I’ll ask […]

By |2018-09-18T13:00:02-05:00September 18, 2018|Work Wild|



Does that ratio ring any bells? You’ve probably heard it before, but it is worth bringing back to our awareness. 7/38/55 represents the ways people perceive communication.

7% is what we say. // 38% is how we say. // 55% is body language.

What’s hopeful about this ratio […]

By |2018-07-27T12:52:59-05:00July 27, 2018|Work Wild|

What’s in your doghouse?

In order for each of us to bring ourselves back from "destructive busy" to "productive busy," we need to know "What's in our doghouse?" What are the things, in just a few minutes, that can help bring us back from feeling distracted, isolated, or just not motivated, to a sense of excitement, connectedness, and love for our work?

By |2018-05-30T14:25:33-05:00May 30, 2018|Work Wild|
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