The Pause

There’s a moment in spring
where everything seems to pause, just briefly.

It’s as if the season takes one big inhale
and then spring thunders in
with its special shades of green
and bright colors dotting the dull brown landscape.

We two-leggeds feel this in our bones
breathing with spring
brimming with anticipation.
Ready to emerge from winter’s grip
we shed layers, and not just […]

By |2023-05-08T15:11:00-05:00May 8, 2023|Wild Poems|

Spring Sun, Spring Storms

Snow has given way to spring.
Only patches of ice remain
where sun rarely touches
or where snow was piled high.

Daylight lingers.
Mud reigns.

Ducks and birds return from their winter get aways
as early spring skies fill with their wings and their songs.

Spring is a boisterous jovial time, after the hush of winter.

It is not without care, though, as we […]

By |2023-04-14T12:38:30-05:00April 13, 2023|Wild Poems|

Stopped in our Tracks

It’s happening.
The forest, still mostly in its winter hush,
but for the shifting songs of cardinals
and other year-round feathered residents
beginning to sing louder, with more gusto,
the forest is starting to wake up.
Sap is running and spring has begun to show herself.

And yesterday, as if spring equinox was precisely their cue.
the red-wing blackbirds returned.
It doesn’t take a […]

By |2023-03-24T09:45:09-05:00March 24, 2023|Wild Poems|

Just Stop

Do you feel the shift?

Love is in the air.
This winter Valentine day.

You can see it in the red patches of snow
where female bobcats coming into heat
have left their mark,
a card, of sorts, for the males to read.

You can hear it in the birdsong
as they start to shift from hushed winter calls
to soaring love songs;
or in […]

By |2023-02-20T14:52:01-06:00February 14, 2023|Wild Poems|

What holds us apart

For the snow lovers among us
these past weeks have been abundant.
Even a little too abundant
as we look in vain for places to put
the next shovel’s worth of bounty.

It’s exciting and exhausting
exhilarating and relentless.
Wet heavy snow stuck to the trees
then froze in place,
weighing down every single branch,
bending them into trails
we had already diligently cleared
and checked off […]

By |2023-02-20T14:51:47-06:00January 16, 2023|Wild Poems|

Seeing Solstice

Seeing Solstice

There is a pause now
this quiet Solstice time
before light slowly lengthens.

The temptation?
To count the days.
To hold our breath
until daylight stretches into evening
and early morning forces back the darkness.

What a relief it will be
these light-starved eyes
to see again
no longer fumbling in darkness.

somewhere deep inside
past resistance and reason
you know this darkness, too, is your home.

A place […]

By |2022-12-15T13:15:47-06:00December 15, 2022|Wild Poems|

For All

For the peace and promise of a sunrise.
The quickening of breath that comes
when we take in the beauty of our surroundings.

For the mystery and humility
of daring to see how we are all connected.

For the opportunity, over and over again,
to choose joy.

For waking up every day to the unknown
and the courage to walk into that day.

For […]

By |2022-11-23T05:27:35-06:00November 23, 2022|Wild Poems|

Leaves Take Flight

Leaves Take Flight

It is the season for letting go.

A time when even trees move
bending and swaying in the strong gusts
adding their whispering song to the wind.

Leaves touched by autumn’s cool hand
let loose from sturdy branches.
Taking flight, of all things–
a wild dance in all directions.
They land finally, amidst their brightly colored companions
only to scramble on the […]

By |2022-10-14T13:04:27-05:00October 14, 2022|Wild Poems|

When the fog lifts

When the fog lifts

Socked in.
As clouds touch down.
As the sun rises
filtered by fog
to a gentle glow.

The world softens in this light.
It’s the perfect temperature
the perfect humidity to breathe gently. Deeply.

On mornings such as this
we humans have to slow our relentless pace
in order to see.
In order to be seen.

Fog can settle restlessness.
Can ease the strain of […]

By |2022-09-20T07:37:19-05:00September 20, 2022|Wild Poems|
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