Be Wild Blog2023-02-17T10:25:04-06:00

Be Wild Blog

Shifts Happen

“Something shifted during our last session.” That’s how my coaching client described it and I felt it too. I could practically see it happening, even through the tiny screens of zoom. Something brightened across her face, like how light changes when sun breaks through clouds. Honestly, I think we both [...]

By |February 7, 2024|Categories: Live Wild|

All that we carry

Pick one.  The options, surely, are plentiful.  Pick something that troubles your heart, your mind.  It could be global, national, closer to home, or deeply personal.   Now, hold it out with a little distance between you and this chosen source of distress.  Examine it with just enough reserve to be [...]

By |August 21, 2023|Categories: Work Wild|

Holistic Efficiency

We have been taught to glorify speed and efficiency.  As if they were the same thing. As if getting more done faster is the pinnacle, other perspectives, different work styles, creativity, and connection be damned. This approach leaves no room for reflection, it speeds past the opportunity to collaborate or [...]

By |June 21, 2023|Categories: Work Wild|
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