Unleash what’s possible in your organization2025-01-28T09:41:57-06:00

Wild (adj):

Having the courage to bring the gift of all of who you are to all of what you do.

Now is that moment

Pull to Your Potential

Your organization can pull to its potential.  It’s about harnessing the energy of your mission and vision, cultivating Wild leaders, supporting and lifting up teams/individuals, and building a culture that fosters a sense of belonging and purpose for customers as well as employees.

Unleash what’s possible in your organization

It’s time to let go of how we’ve always done it and make way for
something new – maybe even disruptive. Something Wild.

Pick your path to Wild Adventure.

What We Do

Keynote Speaking

Transform ‘business as usual’ with a Wild approach to invigorate meetings, support teams, inspire leaders and stand out as an organization

Wilderness Trips

Say yes to expanding your Wild spirit by joining us on an adventure you’ll always remember.

Wild Blog

Resources to support stepping more fully into your messy and magnificent Wild nature at work and home.

The speaker experience

Why Choose Chris Heeter

Nothing Comes Out of a Box

Custom-crafted Wild stories that will be meaningful to your organization, team, and its challenges. Leadership lessons from sled dogs will come alive and stick.

Talks That Meet This Moment

We are living through a time when people are exceptionally overwhelmed and stressed. It takes a different and engaging presentation to help you live Wild.

Audiences Love Wild Stories

Storytelling is an art. Men and women, outdoors-lovers and non-outdoors-people, leaders and followers all open up to the antics and lessons of dogs.

Fun & Memorable Stories That Last

A decade later, audience members have shared not only how much they enjoyed the program but how they are using the tools and concepts still today.

Unleash Your Wild

Hire Chris to speak
at your next event.

“I just can’t believe how much I took away from this! She obviously spoke my language on this one! I haven’t been this excited/engaged in a while!”

— Global IT Team member, Cargill

Worked with the best

Wild Clients

Catch up on the latest

Wild Blog and Poems


Wild Poems|

Is there a place you could go
where, standing among the trees,
you look up into a canopy of branches
still leafless in […]

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