Be Wild Blog2023-02-17T10:25:04-06:00

Be Wild Blog


7/38/55 Does that ratio ring any bells? You've probably heard it before, but it is worth bringing back to our awareness. 7/38/55 represents the ways people perceive communication. 7% is what we say. // 38% is how we say. // 55% is body language. What's hopeful about this ratio is [...]

By |July 27, 2018|Categories: Work Wild|

On Being Wildly Original

Our theme is Wildly Original Who are you? What makes your heart sing? What, even when it's difficult, is worth standing out for? Being Wildly Original is hard, every aspect of being Wild is hard, they all take courage in different ways. Personally, I think that being Wildly Original takes [...]

By |July 16, 2018|Categories: Live Wild|

What’s in your doghouse?

In order for each of us to bring ourselves back from "destructive busy" to "productive busy," we need to know "What's in our doghouse?" What are the things, in just a few minutes, that can help bring us back from feeling distracted, isolated, or just not motivated, to a sense of excitement, connectedness, and love for our work?

By |May 30, 2018|Categories: Work Wild|
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