Be Wild Blog2023-02-17T10:25:04-06:00

Be Wild Blog

Holistic Efficiency

We have been taught to glorify speed and efficiency.  As if they were the same thing. As if getting more done faster is the pinnacle, other perspectives, different work styles, creativity, and connection be damned. This approach leaves no room for reflection, it speeds past the opportunity to collaborate or [...]

By |June 21, 2023|Categories: Work Wild|

Already Enough

Maybe it’s been like this for a very long time, but it feels as if I am running across writing, workshops, podcasts, and all manner of yearning by many of us to feel and believe we are enough.  The surgeon general, Dr. Vivek Murthy, has identified this as a component [...]

By |June 6, 2023|Categories: Work Wild|

Curiosity Muscles

Unless you live very near the equator, you have surely noticed the lengthening of light and longer days. With equinox upon us, we are near even, in terms of light and darkness. This time of year declares spring is en route, no matter how many feet of snow may yet [...]

By |March 24, 2023|Categories: Work Wild|
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