The Play of Light

Today it’s the play of light:
for an instant, just the tops of trees are touched by morning sun.
Churning grey clouds bring into focus the sun-kissed leaves
turning green hues to glowing gold.

Yesterday it was the breathtaking outline of seed heads–
wild grasses swaying in the […]

By |2023-10-25T17:47:22-05:00October 18, 2019|Wild Poems|

For the Earth Warriors

We are a crafty lot. And when you need to sigh or cry or fall apart there are others here to help you pick up the pieces and begin again. And again. Until we tilt the circumstances or die trying. This beautiful world is worth it. And you, Earth Warrior, are part of that beauty.

By |2023-10-25T17:48:00-05:00September 20, 2019|Wild Poems|

Just as Winter Insists

Snow!!!  And lots of it!

We snow lovers have been waiting
with varying degrees of patience…or not.

But the skies have opened.
Winter finally decided to decorate.
She woke from her long slumber
and brushed the snow from her den.

Flakes came down with steady swirling grace,
crystal upon crystal, until there were inches.
And more inches.  And she’s not finished yet.

Deep drifts cover […]

By |2023-10-25T17:49:15-05:00February 22, 2019|Wild Poems|

The Truth About Ice

Rain. Rain? In Minnesota?!? In winter??!!??

As puddles deepened, the temperature fell.
Clumps of slush froze in place.
Long stretches of ice now shape the terrain.
Even weeks later,
a simple walk requires full attention and a little luck.
Snow has eluded us, so we look out on ice and
patches of frozen grass.

I’m not sure who likes this weather.
It is equal […]

By |2023-10-25T17:49:50-05:00January 18, 2019|Wild Poems|

The Tapestry of Moments

If you live in a part of the world where,
looking out your window right now,
you see leaves in radiant shades
of crimson and saffron,
then, by any means necessary,
get yourself outside.

Look how sunlight or the muted tones of grey
make each leaf glow as they hold fast
or twist in the wind,
drifting and sailing on updrafts
as they make their […]

By |2023-10-25T17:50:41-05:00October 25, 2018|Wild Poems|

Come to your senses

We all have our ways.
Things we do, think, say, or feel
that help us get present again
when we’ve drifted far into the murky waters
of worrying about what’s to come or what has been.

For me, it’s often tactile—
breathing in soft fur
working in the garden
splitting wood
paddling, hiking, biking
rich conversation
the call of an owl
the smell of a pine forest.

But […]

By |2023-10-25T17:51:17-05:00October 10, 2018|Wild Poems|

Wild Joy

There are times of pure joy.
Those moments that fill us up
where nothing else is present
but that sense of light
flowing through and around us.

It’s glorious.
It bolsters and renews our spirits.
Grounding us firmly in the moment.
Reminding us to revel and to savor.

And…it’s rare.
Because most of the time
we hold a complex slurry
of emotions, experiences,
struggles, stories, hopes–
all wrapped in […]

By |2023-10-25T17:51:43-05:00June 15, 2018|Wild Poems|

When plans change

Clouds circled, sluggish with snow, in the April sky.
Left in its wake was a white blanket 15 inches deep.
It was a marvel, with winds sending flakes sideways
–even upward–
no telling where they’d land.

It snowed for days.
And while many grumbled,
no one could argue the exhilaration
of getting to behold such Wildness.

We dug ourselves out, neighbors helping neighbors,
quietly proud […]

By |2023-10-25T17:52:14-05:00April 20, 2018|Wild Poems|


On the Equinox
the sun rises exactly in the east
travels through the sky for 12 hours
and sets exactly in the west.

On the Equinox
this is the motion of the Sun
through the sky
for everyone on earth.

Every place on earth
at the same latitude
regardless of hemisphere
experiences the same balance
of day and night
on just 2 days out of the year.

This is […]

By |2023-10-25T17:52:45-05:00March 22, 2018|Wild Poems|
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