Wild Poems
On the urge to fix
Wild Musings:
What if there was nothing to fix? What if the ups and downs of your day were simply that—no deep implications of wrongness, no red flags of giant mis-steps? What if, say, in a work situation, your team was just not on the same page? If there were nothing […]
On Unveiling
... The lifting fog keeps us faithful to the wholeness of beauty. The sense that nothing is wasted: from being slowed to snail's pace when we simply cannot see; to the gradual lifting burning through with light and life so that, with time, we see clearly again...
On Freedom
The word freedom covers a lot of territory. It's something we fight for and sometimes hide from. It's something everyone wants and deserves, and on closer examination, it demands of us a willingness to surrender...
On Ripening
So often, we are our harshest critic. The source of our impatience with others can be easily traced to our impatience with ourselves. What would it be like if that harshness were to soften, inside and out? If there were a way to view our life journeys as a process of ripening rather than falling short, or weakness, or even success...
On Seeing
In a matter of a few minutes, we could probably tell someone who knew nothing about us the basic pattern of our days. It would be a broad brush stroke, but pretty easy to lay out what goes into a typical day -- from morning routines to the day to day of work, children, pets, caring for loved ones, friends, our intentions around exercise, and other things that make up a "normal" day. What would get missed in the broad brushstroke, however, is the sweetness, the messy parts, the little details that put color into the picture...
On Daring
There is something very comforting about a calm lake or a gently flowing stream--a place to gaze or dream, breath deeply, and relax. This is so very needed in our world. And yet, we are also drawn to cascading water and rivers rushing far above their banks. We need this too: the push, the edge, the wildness that comes with being "out there..."