Wild Poems2023-02-22T11:23:52-06:00

Wild Poems

The time between

A wet fall has stretched out the season.
Even still there are trees with deep green leaves
alongside trees with leaves that have long since departed
alongside leaves in their autumn glory:
bright brilliant hues or orange, gold, and deep red.

Often this happens for a week or so
then leaves let go in a flurry […]

By |November 2, 2017|Categories: Wild Poems|

All You Need To Know

This gift of human form and brain,
able to reach such depths,
able to look within,
is also destined to lurch from past to future,
sometimes only briefly visiting the present
in its wanderings.

I sigh.
Another deep breath.
Calling myself back to the world of here and now.
To cycles of storms, bright blue skies,
deep midnight darkness and […]

By |October 26, 2017|Categories: Wild Poems|

I wish you peace

I wish you peaceful silence
at least for moments
in this world that holds so much volume.

I wish for you moments of bliss
when it is quiet inside and outside of you.
Perhaps it will come late at night
or in the pre-dawn morning.
Perhaps on a walk in the glory of a crisp fall day
or […]

By |October 12, 2017|Categories: Wild Poems|


What words can be said, really, in the face of wind and water so strong it tears down buildings or submerges them? At the same time, fires rage unquenched out west despite all that water swirling many miles away.

By |September 11, 2017|Categories: Wild Poems|


Sometimes all I can think to do is go outside. When people or politics press too close. When this country glaringly misaligns with what I hold dear. When time feels slippery in its passing. Sometimes all I can think to do is go outside.

By |August 17, 2017|Categories: Wild Poems|

Progress, I suppose

There is no way there are golden retrievers in the Amazon. I watch my wooly golden girl on humid days as she walks slowly, heavily, even her whiskers droop. She gives me a mournful look as we get back to the house clearly asking if we can move further north than our Minnesota home.

By |July 31, 2017|Categories: Wild Poems|
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