Much of the time
we find what we are looking for–
be that keys or trouble
or some form of our heart’s desire.

It’s not news that what we turn our attention toward
ultimately gets our attention.

Or in the more graceful words of Rumi:
“What you seek is seeking you.”

How cool is that?

No doubt all of us have accumulated
volumes of stories in our lives
that prove this true.
Stories that shine like moonlight along a path.
Memories like a brilliant and hazy summer sky
that hold us.

That keep us true to ourselves
when we want to reach or close our hands
to the possibilities still not in focus.

Patience isn’t a big enough word
for what it feels like to hone our attention.
To imagine and anticipate
and to wait with open hand and heart.

And let what we are seeking find us.

It is in that place, often of great discomfort
and decidedly not within our time frame,
that grace steps in.
Has its way with us.

And turns our path – for the moment –
away from dense brush or murky shadow
and toward the expanse of open sky.

And so we learn over and again
to trust the sky
even when it is out of view.

Chris Heeter Signature


Wild Musings:

It’s a safe bet that there are things in your life that you would like to be different.  Perhaps you have really worked at whatever it is, or maybe it’s a distant dream.  Still, an interesting thing happens when we find that illusive balance between holding on and letting go.  It’s precarious to be sure and not easily mastered.  But the notion that “what you seek is seeking you” can be a tremendous relief.  Like, it’s not all up to you.  Your work is in holding the Wild possibilities while not narrowing your definition of what they look like.

A Wild Dare?

Most of us are much better at holding tight, perhaps to the point of squeezing the life out of whatever beautiful idea or feeling was at the root of your desire.  Practice the opposite.  This is not about giving up or total surrender.  It’s about focusing your attention with less details.  Leaving room for different outcomes or possibilities in order to bring to life what you have tried so hard on your own to achieve.