Thanksgiving greetings to all of you from The Wild Institute. As I considered posting the annual Thanksgiving Wild Thought, I found myself pausing, not quite able to just post it as we enter into our 2nd Thanksgiving with Covid19 still so prevalently in our midst.
My wish for you, whether you are gathering together or staying apart, is that you will feel the goodness that resides amidst the difficulties. That, at least for moments, you can access joy and hope. And that thankfulness comes easily as you behold your “Wild and precious life.” –Chris
For All
For the peace and promise of a sunrise.
The quickening of breath that comes
when we take in the beauty of our surroundings.
For the mystery and humility
of daring to see how we are all connected.
For the opportunity, over and over again,
to choose joy.
For waking up every day to the unknown
and the courage to walk into that day.
For loved ones and the trusted few
for whom we dare to be truly seen.
For the ones we touch and those who touch us
never knowing the grace exchanged.
For teachers and wise companions
who shed light on our path.
For seasons of sun and rain and bountiful harvest.
For the reprieve of winter stillness.
For the wild ones with whom we share this earth
those we see and those we never will.
For the connection beyond words
of beloved fur companions
who purr and bound
and know when to sit upon
or offer soft fur to lean against.
For giving and receiving.
For doors opened and walls broken down
by the simple and spiraling depths of love.
For Belonging…
to ourselves
to one another
to the world